Saturday, February 28, 2015

Hike #10 Gooseneck - Fraesfield Trailhead Scottsdale AZ

Hike #10

Date: February 28th
Hikers: Me & Jim

Location: Scottsdale AZ
Distance:  4 miles
Rating: Easy
Time: 1 1/4 hour


Back to Gooseneck.  Jim and I decided to meet and we are going to do Gooseneck from Fraesfield Trailhead and take the trail south. The morning was rainy and a little chilly for AZ.  It was raining in Phoenix but by the time I made it to the 136th Street and Dynamite Fraesfield Trailhead is was misting and clearing.

There were a couple cars in the parking lot and a biker starting out.  We decided to head south for a couple miles and then turn around.

Funny on a rainy day
This North to South route is not as nice as the South to North.  The start of the hike runs along Dynamite road.  It is sandy and surprisingly dirty.  Shocking to see people have dumped trash out here.  Being Scottsdale I was surprised.

We walked until the trailhead took us to Dynamite and we had to cross the busy street.  This road is highly traveled.

We ran across the street and headed up the street that use to be gravel that took you to Toms Thumb long before the Trailhead was created.  We have walked up that street many times years ago to bushwhack into Toms Thumb.

Run Jim Run!
Once we crossed we missed the sign to get on a trail.  Later on the way back we discovered a big Hearing sign for zoning blocked it.

We walked up the street for about 1 mile til we saw the trail marker.  We took that trail to the West and then hooked back up with Gooseneck heading back towards Fraesfield where we started.  This trail was not even as nice as the scenery on the South side.

We headed back chatting and dodging an occasional rain drop.  It was a short but sweet hike.
Sign/Trail is to the right when you cross the street
 Not a hike I would do again.  But it was new!  :) Definitely hike from Toms Thumb to Gooseneck but if you don't want to do a out and back don't bother doing this hike from Fraesfield.  
Hike #10 Done!  41 to go! Ahhhh!

Friday, February 27, 2015

Hike #9 Gooseneck - Toms Thumb Trailhead Scottsdale AZ

Hike #9

Date: February 21st
Hikers: Me

Location: Scottsdale AZ
Distance:  5 miles
Rating: Easy
Time: 1 hour


This hike was in the paper a couple weeks ago.  It was also on my short list because it is one of the few in the area I have left that are close. Gooseneck is worth the trip.

This is a 7 mile one way hike. You can start from Fraesfield area and hike to Toms Thumb or visa versa to make is a 14 milers.  After being ditched by all my hiker friends I decided to venture out in the afternoon by myself.  I did tell several people exactly where I was going so no biggie.  Plus this trail is pretty close to a street if something were to happen.

We have done Toms Thumb tons of times and done Marcus Landslide twice over the years.  This trail starts down Marcus Landslide and then heads North to connect us to Fraesfield trails. It is rated Easy and is but like any hike you can make it what ever work out you want.  I walked quick and ran in some spots.

It was beautiful.  I was passed by one biker behind me.  Had 4 bikers come at me.  Other than that No One was out there.  It was great!

 A nice cloudy day. Little Breezy.  It was a very tranquil hike. I highly recommend it and look forward to hiking from the Fraesfield Trail head towards Toms Thumb.  Maybe next weekend.

My Turn Around Point

On the drive out of Toms Thumb I saw a family of deer to the east and this is exactly the area I had been hiking.  Pretty cool to see.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Hike #8 - 302 to Quartz to Circumference - Piestawa Peak - Phoeniz AZ

Hike #8

Date: February 9th
Hikers: Me & Tina,

Location: Phoenix AZ
Distance:  4 miles
Rating: Moderate
Time: 1 hour


Another meet after work hike.  We decided to go to Piestawa Peak to the far lot.  Take trail 302 that goes around the Summit.  Hike towards the Perl Charles trail and then explore around the West side.

Not a cloud in the sky!

We picked up the Perl Charles after .5 miles and then saw the Irregular link that headed up.  We had plenty of sun and a beautiful 70 degree breeze.  Awesome.

We went up to a beautiful lookout and then hit the circumference trail North East.  There was some ups and downs that gave us a decent workout.  We both said we like hiking around there and even though I have done so many trails around that area this one was fun to put together in a different way.

Tough to take this weather. 
We had not seen each other for a while so we hiked and caught up on life!  Great Afternoon!

Fellow Hiker enjoying the view
We cut off some distance since we went to the top of the saddle.  If we had turned around it would have been about a 6 miler but it turned into a 4. That was fine. We were playing beat the work day sun.

Nice After Work Hike Spot
Happy Valentines Day!
Hike #8

Hike #7 - Dreamy Draw Park - Perl Charles - Phoenix, AZ

Hike #7

Date: January 29th
Hikers: Me &Tina

Location: Phoenix, AZ
Distance:  5 miles
Rating: Easy
Time: 1.5 hours


Rainy Days are a treat in the valley.  But not good for the chamber of commerce during the Phoenix Open and Super Bowl!  Go Patriots!!

Tina and I decided to do a quick hike after work knowing that it was going to rain all weekend.

We have never driven to the Dreamy Draw Trailhead and hiked there. We have passed thru it on our multiple hikes for the Christian Trail.

The trail we took was 1A is the Perl Charles Trail.  It starts on 16th street and heads to where we are starting.  It is a multi-use trail. Bikes, horses and hikers.  We took it South East towards the Piestawa Peak back trails.  It was a nice up and down trail.  We could have branched off at many places. Heading up or hitting the Christiansen Trail.

Pick a Trail any Trail

View towards Scottsdale - Phoenix Open Playing in the rain

No Horses to be found
It was raining and overcast so we decided to hike about 2.5 miles out and head back.  I forgot to start my GPS til part way in so the map is not accurate.

Great spot. Lots of options.  Very busy though with hikers and bikers.

Have fun & Explore!

Hike #7